Ahhh dear ones, Happy Full Moon in Sagittarius! I am so grateful for you.
Sagittarius is the sign of long-term vision, hope and expansion, and this is truly worthy of our admiration and celebration tonight.
Thank you for your love care and concern with what I shared on my last newsletter, Deeper Into The Storm, Out On The Other Side. I feel so calm, peaceful and grateful right now. It truly feels like one of those summer storms that just as fast as it all came it also went. Now all I am left with is peace after the storm, and the sun coming out from behind the clouds.
On a side note, I want to share that I was so amazed at the responses I received from sharing my mother's words of comfort and wisdom, they were beyond touching for us both to receive, and we promise to share more! :)
The amount of love and care that I received from each of you this last week was just incredible!! I have to say, I've never woken up to so many calls emails and messages in my entire life. lol.
Oh my, I just love each of you. My apologies if I could not get back to everybody. I guess this was part of my experience with the recent Venus & Uranus conjunction that took place last week... Anyway, not meaning to get too sidetracked with Astrology here, I just wanted to say, thank you! My heart is beaming and I am grateful, so grateful that I also want to give back, and share a special gift with you! I want to offer you a FREE PASS to this Saturday's workshop with my students on a very, very powerful transit we have coming up. With replay included. This is the first time, since I've had the Mentorship Program, that I am opening the doors for all to come and participate, for free. It is my gift of love and gratitude for you. I will share more information and details soon, in my next newsletter.
You can sign-up for my newsletter, and to receive updates here: https://raquelspring.kartra.com/page/RAQUELSPRING-NEWSLETTER
And members of The Astrology Mentorship Program, I have a gift for you too. In the bonus folder, you will see my NEW Solar Return reading of 2022! -I do these every year on my birthday, and the new one is up and waiting for you ;) In the meantime, I want to say thank you thank you thank you, I love you I love you I love you, as I sign off to go meditate, celebrate, and be with the Full Moon tonight. I will meet you there, with a peaceful breath and a loving prayer on this Sagittarius Full Moon.
In love and in gratitude, I bow to the evolution that is taking place within you.
With love, Raquel Spring.