The Virgo New Moon: Unveiling Truths

The Virgo New Moon: Unveiling Truths
The Sabian symbol for this New Moon is "A bride with her veil snatched away."

On September 2nd, we welcome a New Moon at 11 degrees of Virgo.
The Sabian Symbol for this degree, "A bride with her veil snatched away," encapsulates the energy of September. This powerful symbol suggests a time of unveiling truths and of big revelations.
A bride with her veil snatched away:
This symbol implies the issue of unveiling oneself in some way, and you can no longer hide behind a pretense or conceal your light. You are likely to be faced with the moment of moving into a new life and a new sense of identity. Perhaps you feel you don't have much choice, but if you don't go willingly, you will probably be pushed forward until you finally take the plunge.
The Virgo New Moon represents a moment where you can no longer hide behind pretenses or live a lie. It's time to reveal your light. You are being called to move into a new life and a new sense of identity, even if you don't feel fully ready. The veil is being snatched away, revealing deeper truths on every level.
This New Moon in Virgo opposes Saturn at 16 degrees Pisces, calling for the need to examine your fears and the limitations that may be holding you back, urging you to willingly embrace change rather than painfully resist it
With Saturn's influence particularly potent this week, due to Pluto retrograding back into Capricorn, the New Moon opposing Saturn, and the Sun's exact opposition to Saturn by September 7th, there’s a strong emphasis on the transformation of old structures and systems. We are being called to surrender to the natural evolution taking place.
This is a time to be honest with yourself and any fears you may be holding on to from past or parallel lives that may be limiting your growth.
When you tune in your awareness to the dance of the cosmos, something magical happens. You can more easily connect the dots in your own life and see how these alignments are speaking to you
As you navigate this week, remember to practice 'stellar consciousness', which means being aware of these astrological energies as they unfold. By tuning into these intelligent forces and their cycles, you can better communicate with and work alongside these astrological energies at play.
• Uranus stations retrograde:
Uranus Retrograde Sparks Insight & Revelations
• Pluto re-enters Capricorn:
Structural Shake-up: Pluto Returns to Capricorn
• Virgo New Moon:
A Bride Unveiled: Virgo's New Moon Mystery
• Mercury square Uranus:
Epiphanies Ahead: Mercury and Uranus Clash for Unexpected Revelations
• Mars Enters Cancer:
Emotional Insights: Mars Enters Cancer—A Time to Tune Into Your Feelings
• Venus and Juno conjunct the South Node in Libra:
Relationship Revelations of Love and Destiny Unveil Past Life Patterns
• Sun-Saturn Opposition:
Embrace or Resist: Sun-Saturn Opposition Reveals Where You're Stuck
Breathe the energy of these planetary alignments through your spine, tune into them with laser-sharp focus, and allow that information to spread throughout your body as part of your evolutionary trajectory. Then, take a moment to receive their guidance and wisdom.
The more attuned you are to these astrological energies as they occur, the more they can interact with you as a Conscious Creator.
With Cosmic Love,
Raquel Spring.
