The Pisces New Moon

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Take a deep breath with me, and allow your senses to be filled with the energies of Pisces.
The energies of Pisces beckon us to surrender. So, in this state of ultimate surrender, I invite you to, even amidst tears and emotions, step into the cusp of this Pisces New Moon, knowing that this phase is necessary so that you may cross over, through this threshold, and on to the other side.
And, what is on the other side?
The beginnings of the New Year, marked by the Spring Equinox.
The Spring Equinox is where the New Year really begins for me, and for many other astrologers too, as the Sun crosses the Vernal Equinox and begins a new solar cycle.
The Pisces New Moon represents the final stages of the previous cycle and brings to a culmination many of our experiences as we come to the end of a solar cycle, and prepare for a new cycle ahead.
These are the moments where everything is culminating. It’s as if we are shedding the final vestiges of our old skin and preparing to reemerge anew.
I want you to feel into this with me for a moment and allow your body to pick up on the senses and the information that is coming in for you at this time.
Every New Moon gives us the opportunity to begin anew, but there is something very powerful about this particular culminating point of the Pisces New Moon, and especially this New Moon of 2024. Not only are we culminating a whole solar cycle, but we are also culminating the last few years of great shifts and transformations. 2020-2024 has been the period that I’ve been referring to as the balancing of the scales. This cycle has represented, quite literally, lifetimes of closures and the collapsing of timelines. This means relationships, contracts, agreements, cycles, that have been recreated over and over again, culminating and transforming through 2020 and into this final threshold.
This whole week of the New Moon is a sacred week, a week of ceremony, prayer, and meditation. This is such a profound moment.
Where is your Pisces house? This field of your life will show you where you are bringing your culminating events to the altar of endings and new beginnings.
The New Moon in Pisces forms a sextile to Uranus and this becomes deeply important to our new beginnings because Uranus represents change. Change that is beyond our control and change that we, on a soul level, are ready for. This change comes from the cosmos. It comes from our higher self, and the deeper evolutionary processes that accompany our journey. In astrology, the sextile represents a window of opportunity, and this opportunity is connected with Uranus for a reason, so that we can step into the change that we know we are ready for.
It's important to note that while the New Moon is forming a sextile of opportunity with the planet of radical shifts and change, Uranus, we simultaneously see the planet of action and passion, Mars, in a square with Uranus.
New Moons point to dynamics of the month ahead, so this whole month of March points to an incredible moment of transition and transformation, from the old to the new.
Mars, in exact square with the planet Uranus at the time of this New Moon, is here to help you shake off the last vestiges of old skin, as you open a radical window of transformation and metamorphosis, and step into a whole new paradigm that awaits you moving forward.
You may feel things picking up this week, and that is because when Mars activates Uranus, lightning bolts strike.
Feel that in your body.
Even though you are here, standing at this beautiful altar of surrender and release of the Pisces New Moon, you are simultaneously feeling the jolting currents, the thunder and lightning within you strike, as you prepare to give birth to new life.
This is happening so that you can walk into the Spring Equinox, with courage to take the first few steps into this new chapter of your life.
During this time, many of you are preparing to launch new paths, taking radical steps toward collaborations, ventures, projects, etc, so in this month you may feel the electrical charges from this activating force propel you forward and call you into action.
Be mindful that all this energy in your body can cause some anxiety. This is one of the byproducts of the Mars and Uranus square, so focus on how you want to channel this, because the energy of Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus will be available for all alike to feel and use in the month ahead. Remember, you choose how you want to dance with this energy. If you feel yourself and your emotions escalating, and things start to get out of control, you can just pull back, take a few breaths, maybe go on that power walk, or that power jog. It's not about shutting down the emotion or denying it, but about being aware of it, and then choosing how you can best channel it because this energy is ultimately here to help you step into new beginnings.
Right after the New Moon in Pisces takes place, Mercury then enters Aries, offering the first signs of mental clarity and a readiness to step into action. This is a great time to get clear on what you feel is calling you next.
Mercury, fresh in Aries, will also activate Pluto in Aquarius by sextile, opening an incredible window for you to look at your new beginnings in a revolutionary way.
During this time, Venus enters Pisces and activates the midpoint between the Mercury and Pluto sextile. This enhances your window for looking into the future and feeling into what is calling you next.
At the end of the day, this is really about Pluto in Aquarius, and about the radical new dynamic that we, as a society, as humanity, and as a universal awareness, are getting ready for. So, use this New Moon to feel and get clear on what it is that is truly calling you next.
From the 10th to the 14th, the Moon will be in Taurus, which will activate the square from Mars to Uranus mentioned earlier. Big energies will ignite during this time, so as you feel the electricity coursing through your veins step into action with awareness and be anchored in your heart. Use this time productively. You might feel called to clean up your space through a big spring clean-up, as you quite literally get ready for Spring to come in. Notice the type of action that is calling you during this time.
I would recommend new commitments to begin after the Spring Equinox, as this will be our cue for new beginnings to come through. However, the square between Mars and Uranus will push many of us to take action in some way to make room for this new beginning to come through.
I've been feeling this threshold for such a long time, now here we are.
Here you are, at this Pisces New Moon of 2024, this tender cusp of transition. Laying before your altar all the things that you are ready to release, and inviting all the things that you naturally drawing near, as you prepare for the dawn of a new beginning and a new chapter ahead.
Feel this for a moment…
and in this sweet anticipation, allow what needs to go to go, and what is naturally finding its way to you, to come to you. Without pressure, without attachment. Just observe and allow.
Feel the love, feel the tears, feel the bliss. Feel the visions, feel a new beginning surge through your body, and the voice of a new path calling you next.
I've been speaking about this moment for years now, and it is finally here.
Can you sense the first new buds beginning to sprout?
Can you smell the fresh scent of Spring?
Can you feel the song of the birds coming in as they herald a new solar year ahead?
Thank you for being with me during this powerful window.
I look forward to crossing this threshold with you!
With love, Raquel Spring.

For a deeper dive with me into your personal cycles and energies ahead, please contact me to schedule a session.
I am here to support you as you navigate these times of great change.

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