Power Week Ahead: Full Moon & Mars-Uranus Alignment

JULY 14—21
Power Week & Capricorn Full Moon
Welcome to an electrifying week ahead, from July 14th through the 21st! This period is marked by a powerful conjunction of Mars and Uranus in Taurus and culminates with a 29° Capricorn Full Moon on July 21. Full Moons represent the accumulation of energies seeded on the New Moon, acting as a beacon that amplifies and broadcasts the month's messages.
Theme of the Week: Power
If I had to summarize this week in one word, it would be power. Power, power, power. This week is about intensity, depth, realizing a new sense of confidence, and challenging yourself—and, in some cases, others—to grow, move beyond comfort zones, and push boundaries. This time is truly about growth and the dynamic of power that is ready to come forth.
So, take a moment to feel into what this word, power, means for you at this time.
Pluto and Mars This Week
The reason why I speak of this week as being a week of power is because Pluto and Mars are very much in focus.
Pluto is highlighted as the 29° Capricorn Full Moon happens conjunct Pluto.
Mars is highlighted through the groundbreaking and life-changing conjunction it makes to Uranus in Taurus.
The Full Moon on July 21st occurs at 29° Capricorn and is conjunct Pluto, highlighting themes of power and the culmination of many chapters unfolding now. Check your chart to see where 29° Capricorn and 29°Cancer are for you, and then meditate on the themes that are culminating for you this month.
Where are you pushing yourself to grow? This is your moment of power, and nobody is going to take the next step for you. You are realizing that there is no more hiding, covering things up, or living in avoidance. This is a moment of facing the truth in new ways, being bold and courageous enough to take that step.
This is a time to push beyond your boundaries—not through physical struggle, but by recognizing who you are today and boldly stepping into that identity. I'm emphasizing this because I've been sitting with many of you in private sessions, taking a look at these dynamics, and helping you come to terms with the old that is naturally crumbling around you, as you prepare to step into your future.
If things are intense in your life, if they’re driving you crazy, it’s happening for a reason. It’s not just so you can stick it out, be strong, or pull through. It's really your kick in the pants to move, to get going, to take the next step.
So I'm here to cheer you on and encourage you that this is your time of power, deep realizations that have been growing, and bringing you to this culminating point of the Capricorn Full Moon.
Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus:
Wherever Mars shows up, it's time to take action. Mars conjuncts Uranus about every two years, and the last conjunction in Taurus was around this time in 2022.
Two years ago, when Mars conjunct Uranus they had the support of the North Node, who was also in Taurus. At that time, I described this energy as a "time to go, time for action." Now, Mars is back. We've had these two years, and as Mars and Uranus come together again, the Universe is asking, "What have you done since that time? Where are you today with all the energies that swept through your Taurus house? Now what? How will you conclude the journey in your Taurus house?"
In April and May of 2024, we experienced a powerful combination of Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus. That was the energy of "shake-ups and breakthroughs" I spoke about, because the clock was ticking, and it was truly the moment to shake off the last remnants of the old. It was time to wrap things up. Now, Mars comes along as the last major energy to conjunct Uranus before Uranus enters Gemini. This is why I've been calling this the week of power moves and power dynamics. It really is a week of power. Not only is Pluto being ultra-highlighted this week, but Mars, Pluto's counterpart, is now in a conjunction with Uranus, the god of lightning and thunder. When you get those two together, what do they create? You can connect the dots in your own chart and life and feel into the potential of The Warrior meeting The God of Lightning and Thunder.
This is a very energizing combination, to say the least. When we look at a Mars and Uranus conjunction and zoom into their energies, we really are looking at very electrical energies. This is why I use the analogy of thunder and lightning. Mars is like the hand that turns on the switch of the already electrical lightning and thunder coursing through the wires, and Mars just turns on that switch and pumps up the adrenaline. You connect the dots.
Embracing Disruptions as Breakthroughs
The clock has been ticking, and your Taurus house has had ample time to learn, grow, see things, and get moving. This energy now wants you to wrap things up in Taurus. This is the grand finale in Taurus. This is where Uranus experiences the last of big conjunctions before moving into Gemini, which will open a massive door into the future.
This marks a true moment of power for your Taurus house.
After this, on July 20th, Mars enters Gemini, and it totally changes the dynamics. But right now, it is about the final kick in the butt from the universe to move, move, move.
If you have any planets there, those planets will feel this energizing kick from the Warrior himself and from the God of Lightning and Thunder saying GO. It's time to get moving.
What is the message here for you? What are you ready to wrap up? What are you ready to accelerate in your life?
We're going to be very busy this week with all these power energies coming through, especially Mars and Uranus. But the question is, in which direction are you busy? Are you busy with keeping up with the old, or with opening new doors? What is your busyness all about this week? These are all points to contemplate, ask yourself, and notice.
Final Thoughts
Allow yourself to embrace this time of disruptions as doorways into breakthroughs.
This kick in the butt is here to get you going, to get you to take that next step in areas of your life where you may have been getting too comfortable. This is your opportunity to break free from stagnation. See this as your opportunity for exciting changes, growth, independence, and authenticity. This is about experiencing a new sense of confidence and stepping into greater freedom.
On the week of this Capricorn Full Moon, be bold enough to realize where you are ready for new growth. Where and how are you ready to step into new authenticity in your job, relationships, and personal growth? Take ownership and responsibility for that.
This week is all about Power. Power, power, power. What will you do with it?
In loving Cosmic support,
Raquel Spring
