Pluto Stations Retrograde: Effects and Meaning.
Today, May 2nd, Pluto turns retrograde at 2° of Aquarius, and blasts a powerful cosmic wave throughout our atmosphere. This retrograde motion will last until October 12, 2024.
In this article, I will guide you through understanding the significance of this astrological wave, and how it may resonate with you during this time.

This energy is active from April 18th - May 15th, and is exact on May 2nd.
Those with Solar Returns during this time may feel this theme for most of their year ahead.
Pluto retrograde: May 2 - October 12, 2024.
Unlike the retrogrades of inner planets like Mercury, Venus, and Mars, which often bring about palpable changes in our daily lives such as communication glitches or delays in plans, Pluto's retrograde operates on a much grander scale.
Pluto moves slowly and methodically through the zodiac, ensuring its presence is felt and heard. It loves to take its time, plunging deep with every step, as it compels us to confront the hidden realms and forces at play within our psyche and emotions.
Pluto is incredibly powerful. Its presence indicates moments of evolutionary urges that lead to transformation.
Pluto's language encompasses instincts, desires, power, alchemy, transmutation, and rebirth. So, when a force like Pluto makes a statement, such as, stationing retrograde today, or being the ruler of the last Full Moon in Scorpio, or the focal point of a t-square with that same Full Moon, it's big, and its implications are profound.
Pluto retrograde isn't about missed appointments or technological hiccups, but about the evolution of your soul in progress, and the slow transformation of society as a whole.
Currently, as Pluto enters Aquarius, our collective evolutionary urge is to awaken the Higher Mind, and transition from chaos through innovation, and towards freedom. This is why many find themselves in a process of reinvention during this time. Over the next few years, we will witness many individuals and groups crossing the threshold of chaos and entering the realm of innovation and freedom.

Aquarius represents the cosmic mind, higher awareness, and collective consciousness.
Pluto's recent ingress into Aquarius marked the beginning of a new era of evolution centered around innovation and freedom for humanity. Pluto covered the first two degrees of Aquarius. Its retrograde motion now compels us to revisit these initial steps, and examine the themes and energies that have emerged around the concepts of innovation and freedom. This retrograde period will give us the chance to fully assimilate, integrate, and then execute the changes that have begun in our lives and that we are now being nudged towards.
This extraordinary focus on Pluto is urging you to examine the aspects of your life that are ready for a new stage of experience and evolution. This is a time to be honest with yourself, and recognize that you are in a pivotal moment of transformation and breakthrough.
Those with placements in the early degrees of fixed signs - Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio, and Taurus - are likely to experience this energy with greater impact. For example, I have my lunar nodes at 2° Aquarius and 2° Leo. Therefore, Pluto's retrograde is amplifying a lot for me personally in regard to my destiny and my future. With this heightened energy from Pluto impacting my Lunar Nodes, I find myself asking significant questions about my purpose and next steps. For example, my lease here is ending soon, and I am pondering whether to remain in this house, or even in Sedona altogether, or where I want to live next. I also find myself considering partnering with this person or that person. Do I come back and reengage with social media, or do I continue staying offline? Here I am, weighing all these various routes and choices. And as these questions arise, I know that they are directly tied to my evolutionary steps.
So, take a look at your own chart and notice which planets and aspects are connecting with Pluto's station at 2° Aquarius. This is especially important for those with planets and angles in the fixed signs of Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio, and Taurus.
~ Consider examining the entire spectrum of fixed signs (0-30 degrees) in your chart for a comprehensive view, since Pluto is stationing retrograde in the early degrees of Aquarius, and Jupiter and Uranus are conjunct in the later degrees of Taurus.~
As Pluto's retrograde invites you to dive deeper into these existential questions, it's crucial to recognize its connection to your evolutionary path. Take a moment to examine your own chart and identify any planets or aspects linked to Pluto at 2° Aquarius. These placements may currently be nudging you to confront uncomfortable truths and consider your next steps forward.
This retrograde period offers the opportunity to fully assimilate, integrate, and then execute the changes that you are, even now, being nudged towards.
I hope this is of support as you navigate these big energies.
With love, Raquel Spring.

For in-depth guidance on the energies of the Uranus-Jupiter conjunction, the
Taurus New Moon, and the Month of May, please see the workshop below.

Major shifts and important events are taking place right now!
This means that many aspects of your life may be breaking down, undergoing dissolution, and preparing for breakthroughs.
Join me, this Saturday, as we explore the dynamics of the month of May, the Taurus New Moon, and the life-changing conjunction of Jupiter & Uranus in Taurus.
Aspects of your life are ready for closure and shifts.
Discover what they are, and why.
To learn more about the connection between these astrological events and your birth chart, BOOK A PRIVATE SESSION or see the full menu below:
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