Pisces Lunar Eclipse Insights

Pisces Lunar Eclipse Insights
September 15—22, 2024
On September 17 or 18, depending on your location, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs at 25°41' Pisces.

Sabian Symbol for Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
This shows being able to see, or to accept, when it’s time for people to move on or to part from each other. They need to “Go Ahead With Their Different Projects” – their focus has changed and, quite possibly, they’ve parted ways. There’s a picture here of new beginnings. People will have their own response to situations – not everyone will react in the same way. It can be a good idea to direct some energy into your desires or projects at the time of the new moon. Light a candle and state your intentions with honesty and love.
Diversifying. Applying talents in new directions. People splitting up and splitting off. New opportunities and potentials. Divorces. New jobs, directions and destinies. New eras.
The Sabian Symbol for this Lunar Eclipse says it all, and perfectly encapsulates the energies at play: it's time to move forward with new projects and focus on fresh beginnings.
This is about acknowledging your awareness of the path ahead and the need to close certain chapters, especially in relationships and lifestyles. Not everyone will follow, and that's okay. This moment is about directing your energy toward your goals while allowing others to go their own way.
The Sabian Symbol highlights both endings and new opportunities. But how will you make space for the new if you're still holding onto what needs to be released? As the Sabian Symbol wisely suggests: 'It’s time for people to go ahead with their different projects. It’s time to move on.'

As an astrologer, I'm often asked, 'When is this going to be over? When will it shift?' You might be wondering the same, feeling that way, too. I've been tuning in and sensing the hearts around the world asking, 'When will this end? When will things change?' From deep within my heart, I want to speak directly to yours now and say: the only way out of this is through it. And by 'through it,' I mean navigating these energies with awareness. This journey is about the conscious evolution of your soul through these experiences.
Take a moment to imagine yourself on a stage, with all the events in your life as actors or parts of the setting. Some aspects of this stage are inevitable—they simply are what they are. However, the purpose isn’t to avoid, deny, or distract yourself from them, rather it's about how you navigate these energies—that's what makes the difference.
Moving through these events with awareness is what transforms them for you.
You may not be able to avoid the situations these energies bring, but you can choose how to respond—and that is what makes all the difference. It’s the consciousness with which you navigate these energies, no matter how painful or challenging, that truly matters. Trust that each event in your life is communicating with you and teaching you how to evolve.
There is no plan B. We are on the path of expansion, growth, and evolution.
Devotion, focus, and consistency, when combined with a pure heart, can create miracles.
Life becomes easier when you follow this path of devotion to your evolution. Over time, you’ll gain clarity even amidst challenges, and experience greater ease as these energies become lighter with each step. Eventually, playing your part on life's stage becomes enjoyable. More and more, you begin to see yourself as a creator, growing curious about the energies that come your way.

Eclipse energies, especially those of a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, are known for intensifying emotions. But that's not all, this week we also have the Autumn Equinox on September 22nd, along with several striking alignments involving Venus, Chiron, Pluto, Mars, and the Lunar Nodes
These astrological alignments are all very conscious. They are not random; each one happens for a reason.
1. Lunar Eclipse at 25° Pisces:
New Beginnings: Threshold of a New Chapter
2. Venus in Libra Opposite Chiron in Aries:
Heart Wounds Beg for Authentic Truth
3. Venus in Libra Square Pluto in Capricorn:
The Only Way Out is Through: Metamorphosis & Renewal
4. Sun in Virgo Opposite Neptune in Pisces:
Navigating Uncertainty with Clarity
5. Sun in Virgo Grand Trine with Uranus and Pluto:
Evolutionary Forces Unleashed This Week
6. Sun at 0° Libra - Autumn Equinox (September 22):
Destiny Calls: A New Relationship Cycle Begins
7. Mercury Conjunct Vesta in Virgo:
Destiny Guides You This Week
8. Mars in Cancer T-Square with Lunar Nodes:
Non-Negotiable Action —Mars Drives Your Fate Forward
Learn More. Listen to This Week's Audio Booster! —the most powerful message I've recorded yet!
With Cosmic Love,
Raquel Spring.
