New Light, New Life! -A Winter Solstice Message!
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to experience an astrological event, like the Winter Solstice, as 'Raquel Spring'? -Absolutely breathtaking!
From the very first time I notice the astrological event in a chart, months before it happens, to the gradual build-up, preparation and anticipation as I dive deep into it throughout events, workshops, and astrology sessions. And then, to finally look at the astrological charts once again on the day of the event, allowing for new revelations and insights to come through as the alignments happen, is pure magic to my soul!
And what a beauty it was to look out at the night sky through my binoculars just now, while the Sun entered 0° Capricorn! And then to be fully present with the Moon, as it (simultaneously and synchronistically!) entered 0° Taurus.
What a rush of energy. I live for these moments.
The cherry on the cake was seeing Jupiter, right next to the Moon, in all it’s glory and opulence in the night sky, with all its surrounding moons...
What a moment, what a sight. A Winter Solstice to remember.

Dear Family,
I’ve been feeling into the magical portal of this Winter Solstice all day, so very deeply, as I know many of you have too.
I have the Astrology chart for this Solstice here in front of me… and let me just say that this is truly a beautiful chart, a beautiful chart for all who are ready for quantum leaps and metamorphosis in 2024!
It brings tears to my eyes, and joy to my expanded heart, as I tap into the accelerated growth of what's to come in 2024!
In various ways we have been releasing and making room for new energy. We have been emptying and freeing ourselves in preparation for big new beginnings.
Finally, today at the Winter Solstice of 2023, these seeds receive their first breath of life from the Cosmos, as the Sun enters 0° Capricorn, and in doing so opens a sacred point for the inception of Spirit, and the return of Light, to come through!

Take a deep breath.
Inhale the scent and feel the electrical currents that are coming from the fertile soil of endless possibilities, and forming around you even now as you read these words.
This is a powerful moment of inception and of new beginnings. Complete emptiness and full surrender are you greatest allies during this time, as you in all purity make room for the first breath of New Light to enter your consciousness
It all begins today.
I hope that you too may be feeling the rays of this new dawn streaming through during this time. Happy Winter Solstice!
Raquel Spring

Know your purpose and direction for 2024! Book your Astrology session here.