THE COSMIC SHOW: Leo Season Ignites Firestorm!
Welcome to this week's astrological insights for July 21st through 28th.
We are now entering Leo season, a time of dynamic energy and of great power. Let's explore how these celestial movements might influence your life and guide you forward this week.

Reflecting on the Mars-Uranus Conjunction
Let's start by reflecting on the recent energetic conjunction of Mars and Uranus in Taurus.
This explosive meeting, which became exact last week, has been a wake-up call, manifesting through shocking events, sudden insights, and intense emotions in our lives. Whether you experienced it as a personal crisis or a moment of enlightenment, it served as the universe's 'kick in the pants' to get you moving.
The events of this past week were particularly electrifying and sudden, and if you're following the news in the USA, you might have seen this Mars-Uranus energy in action with the recent developments concerning Trump. Additionally, the recent massive IT outage, which impacted millions worldwide, serves as a prime example of the volatile energy associated with Mars and Uranus's electrical conjunction in Taurus. This striking event is another great example of how this astrological alignment is now manifesting in tangible ways. The ramifications of this blackout will be significant, and it's just the beginning.
Here we clearly see the energy of 'The Warrior' meeting the 'Lord of Lightning & Thunder' which I spoke about last week. Isn't it astounding to see these energies in action? These unexpected, shocking events perfectly illustrate the nature of these cosmic archetypes at play. I just love how we can peek ahead to know what the 'cosmic weather' will be like, and then sit back and watch these events unfold in our reality.

Mars Enters Gemini: Opening Doors to New Ideas
As we open this week we see that Mars has just left his conjunction with Uranus in Taurus and entered Gemini, activating new thoughts, partnerships, and innovations. This transit opens the door to mental energy and connections.
With Jupiter already in Gemini, symbolically holding the doorknob to the future, Mars' entry now further activates your path forward.
It's interesting to note that Gemini forms a sextile (a harmonious 60-degree angle) with Leo, where much of this week's action is centered. This supportive aspect suggests that the ideas and connections formed now may be supportive of your future. Simultaneously, Mars enters Gemini and activates Pluto in Aquarius by trine, sending yet another evolutionary impulse across all charts and lives worldwide.
Mars in Gemini instigates an integral part of this revolution and transition for humanity, so stay focused on your path toward freedom that is reaching an unstoppable momentum now.

Leo Season Begins: Igniting Your Inner Fire
The Sun enters Leo on July 22nd, officially kicking off Leo season. With Mercury, Venus, and now the Sun all in Leo, your Leo house is ablaze with energy. Furthermore, the Sun at zero degrees Leo forms an exact sextile with Mars at zero degrees Gemini, and opens a potent window of opportunity this week! —What opportunities are opening up for you during this time?
Consider which house Leo occupies in your natal chart, this area of your life is being energized and supports the bigger vision coming from your Gemini house.
This fire from Leo Season is coming through at the perfect time, and is here to ignite your path forward. So, welcome this Leo energy with gratitude and a smile.

Sun Opposes Pluto: A Call to Action
As the Sun enters zero degrees Leo it also opposes Pluto at zero degrees Aquarius.
This opposition is important as it activates Pluto's themes of revolution, chaos, disruption, and ultimately, of freedom. This becomes a powerful wake-up call pressing through every cell of your body: there is no more time to wait, deny, or bypass. It's time to wake up and take action.
This aspect challenges you to let go of old ideas and patriarchal systems, both in the world and within yourself. What inner truth can you no longer deny? What postponed actions must you now face? This is about taking responsibility for your future, finding your direction, and saying yes to the opportunities that are knocking at your door.

Mercury Square Uranus: Mental Stimulation and Challenges
This week also features Mercury square Uranus, adding even more dynamic energy to the week. On the positive side, this aspect can bring
✓ Greater mental stimulation
✓ Courage to confront inner aspects
✓ Quick thinking and potential breakthroughs
✓ Opportunities for innovation and freedom
However, be mindful of the challenges:
- Restlessness and irritability
- Rash communication and rebellious behavior
- Potential for arguments and shocking words
Use this energy wisely to stimulate your own ideas and challenge your beliefs, rather than engaging in pointless conflicts. This is a moment of power - choose to use it for opening doors to your future rather than falling into old ego-driven patterns.

Venus-Vesta Conjunction: Spiritual Love and Devotion
As we conclude the week, Venus forms a beautiful conjunction with Vesta in Leo. This powerful combination merges love and values (Venus) with deep devotion and commitment (Vesta), infusing our relationships and creative expressions with a sense of sacredness and higher purpose.
This conjunction invites you to connect with your inner priestess, to feel the sacred flame burning in your heart.
• What higher purpose is calling you?
• How can you channel your creative and sexual energy into dedicated service?
In the midst of external chaos, this aspect reminds you of the living, sacred flame of devotion and commitment within, guiding you forward.
What is its message for you?

Closing Thoughts
This week offers a potent mix of energies—from the fiery call to action of Leo season to the mental stimulation of Mercury-Uranus, all underpinned by the spiritual devotion of Venus-Vesta.
As you navigate these currents, remember to:
1. Reflect on how recent events have been guiding you towards change.
2. Listen to your heart and the new ideas and connections pointing towards your future.
3. Take responsibility for the areas of your life that need action.
4. Use mental stimulation wisely, avoiding unnecessary conflicts.
5. Connect with the sacred fire of your heart and your inner sense of purpose and devotion.
How will you apply these celestial insights to your life this week? What steps will you take toward your future? Remember, you are an integral part of this transition for humanity. Embrace these energies and let them guide you forward.
With Cosmic Love,
Raquel Spring.

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