Jan. 5—12, 2025
Regardless of where you are in the world at this moment, we are all moving through a very intense passage of energies together.
These energies culminate during the emotionally charged Full Moon at 24° Cancer on January 13, conjunct Mars retrograde. This is a time of deep reflection amidst the fires, and stillness during the tumult, as we reach the peak of Mars retrograde energies.
I’ve been finding stillness while traveling through New Zealand, touching the heart of Gaea in some of the most exquisitely sacred places in the world.
Just two days ago, I knelt at the feet of Gaea, feeling her breath through a geyser, and wept with the energies that surged through me. I lay in the hot springs under the stars, witnessing 100 birds and a meteor as they signaled the deep sovereign connection we all share with this remarkable planet.
We now collectively join to honor the energies of fire, along with the destruction and potential purification it brings to us all—especially remembering our many friends who have lost homes, are being evacuated, or have loved ones suffering from the catastrophic challenges facing communities in Los Angeles at this time.
In light of all the intensity of this moment, I am offering you this week's Audio Booster from the Mentorship Program as a gift to help you navigate these difficult times.
We especially pray that the energy of the element of fire may grant us courage and clarity as we face this challenge together. May the fire and flames in our hearts purify but not destroy what is most precious within us all.
Stephen Altair and I love you dearly, and pray that these forces balance each other as you lean on your friends and community to ease the stress. Know that we are here to continue supporting you through these challenging times.
In love and care, always,
Raquel Spring.

Full Moon Audio Booster
INTO THE FLAMES: https://jmp.sh/kfphXHOo