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Writer's picture: Raquel SpringRaquel Spring

My dear family, friends and community,

It has been a while since my last newsletter, and I am happy to be back!

The last 2 Eclipses really got the energies moving, and here we are feeling the transformation, riding the waves, and moving along with it. As many of you know, I have been in a huge whirlwind of retreats, events, interviews and other big collaborations this month, which have kept me unusually busy. But on a personal note, I want to open my heart with you and share that I am also currently concluding a miscarriage, as I celebrate my Solar Return. Yes, it’s been a big month for us all, and my heart has been taking the deepest plunges and feeling the deepest emotions…

The total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio that happened less than a month ago, was conjunct my natal Black Moon Lilith, and opposing my natal Chiron in Taurus. And transiting Black Moon Lilith in Cancer is currently conjunct my natal Venus & Mercury (the last time this happened was 9 years ago, when I had cancer). As you can imagine, the Black Moon Lilith has been very alive for me this last month, but all the while she has also been speaking to me, and emerging like a phoenix in brand new ways! I am also overflowing with the topic from my last Sedona Retreat presentation, where I taught about the marriage of Venus & Black Moon Lilith. As a consequence, I have finally said YES to speaking and teaching more about her! More information on this soon :) Today, I am choosing to open my heart and speak about this because I know that the Black Moon Lilith has been prevalent theme for all.

In addition, we are preparing for a New Moon in Cancer that will be conjunct the Black Moon Lilith, so BML is about to wake up for the world very soon! This is the time to relax into what is ready to be felt and what is ready to be seen, as we lift the veils of our own truth. From the depths of my heart I want to say thank you for honoring your part of the darkness in this experience. We are all being made to look at deeper parts of darkness and of pain as we come face to face with what has been buried all along. But the beauty of this process is that, as we look at the dark with a light heart and expansive awareness, the distortion begins to fade… and then, this same energy can be converted into power!

More on this later, in my soon-to-come teachings of the Black Moon Lilith ;) For now, I want to leave you with the wise words of my beautiful mother, who recently sent me a personal message to comfort my heart during these intense times. Today I want to send you this email to share these same words with you, so that you too can be comforted during your own moments of deep emotion and transformation, and be reminded of the deeper calling which you have chosen to say yes to.

Hold these words close to your heart as you walk though the storm, and may they be of comfort and guidance to you as they have been for me. I love you, ❤ Raquel Spring.

Below is a general translation of her message - remember, we are Brazilian :) so the editing may be a little rough around the edges, but the depth, love and wisdom is there.

"Everything around you is made of contrasts. The human being is made of contrasts, all the way from the structure of the atom, the physical world is made of contrasts. If within our thoughts these contrasts are not in harmony with each other, there will be storms of thought and it will be reflected through our emotions.

In this dimension we need the night and we need the day, otherwise it would not be the full experience. This is a profound time for every person right now, and honoring the contrast and pain coming up in your life is honoring the full experience.

But while you feel your experiences, know that you are also feeling it for all of life on earth who is going through the same. And as you do it consciously, you allow for the transformation and healing of humanity’s pain to happen through you.

Allow this experience to show you the power that lives in you.

As your life is transformed through this experience, the lives of others will also be transformed, as a consequence of the transformation of your own heart.

All who are awake and aware know that there is a great transformation happening on this planet, as our dear mother Gaia goes through a deep transformation and cleansing from the dark energies that have been infiltrated through every human being, through the mind.

The battlefield is the mind, it always has been.

You are on this planet because you have chosen to participate in this cleansing. You have chosen to help lift Gaia up from these denser thought forms into higher ones. So know that everything you are going through, every moment, every emotion, every experience, is your contribution and your service of love to Gaia.” - Mom.

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