Feb. 9—15, 2025 As I write this, I am on the hour of my Lunar Return, feeling into the power of many sacred traditions, especially the path of the high priestesses in Mesopotamia.
I have been in deep meditation and exploration of the dark feminine, while Stephen voraciously researches lost feminine traditions and high priestess lineages.
We are currently bringing this information together for our 'Science of Consciousness' presentation in Barcelona, Spain, this July. We are also gathering the history, spiritual traditions, practices, rituals, and direct experiences of these lineages to share in a more in-depth program coming soon, The Path of the Priestess.
"Geisha, a Life" chronicles the journey of Japan’s most famous geisha, Mineko Iwasaki. This week, I decided to purchase this book, in hopes of uncovering some more of the principles of the lost Feminine that may be imbued in this tradition.
I am grateful for the quiet space that winter brings and to deepen my connection to the sovereign feminine and high priestess lineage, learning, remembering, awakening and integrating the lost wisdom of the dark feminine. The Path of The Priestess is a way of living that bridges our pathways into the primordial mother, the dark feminine, across space and time.
Raquel Spring.
