Language of Transits
Price: $157
6 videos (16+ hours total)
This set explores transits through/of:
The 12 Houses
The 12 Signs
The Planets and the themes they awaken
The Lunar Nodes and the element of fate and destiny
Chiron and the element of wounding
This series takes you on a deep dive into the influence and potential of the transiting planets and how they activate the houses and their themes. Transits are the gold of astrology and are essential in understanding the bigger cycles we are moving through; and a thorough understanding of the transits is key to helping us plan and navigate planetary influences before, during, and after a transit. Transits illuminate the entirety of our life experience and offer an opportunity to look a step ahead and make accurate and meaningful predictions.
In this series, expect to go deep and receive numerous chart examples to illustrate the power of transits. Here are some topics that are covered in this set:
How transits awaken the theme of the 12 houses (e.g., "When transits happen to our first house, it's a very beautiful energy of new beginnings. These transits are coming from the 12th House of endings and are ready for new energy and life in the 1st house.")
How transiting planets through the signs can activate the archetypal and evolutionary make-up of those signs (e.g. "Gemini is an energy of the development of mind and speech. When a transit goes into that sign, the focus is on anything that relates to learning, speaking, and teaching.")
How planetary energies activate our chart by exploring their energetic, psychological, and physical manifestation in our lives. (e.g., "Neptune is very much about the mystical realms that sometimes you will see near death experiences or death as well. Neptune dissolves everything and can also bring you extreme moments of bliss. Neptune transits can bring all of this - both ecstasy and despair")
How the Lunar Nodes work in transit to provide deeper guidance and direction in life, and how they weave in fate and destiny in the area of the chart they are transiting. (e.g., "The transiting North Node opens a house for you, regardless of the sign. That house is going to wake up and learn lessons to grow and focus there. And you may need to let go a little bit of where the South Node is in order to focus on where the North Node is.")
This set is absolutely essential for those serious about learning astrology! Here's a sneak peek into the series: