Black Moon Lilith
Price: $33
Single workshop (3 h 23 m)​
*Also sold as part of the 3-video set Beyond the Planets
This set includes a deep dive into one of the most mysterious yet least understood astrological points that illuminate a place of power and transformation in your chart - the Black Moon Lilith.
This lecture explores one of the most intriguing and mysterious and yet, one of the least studied astrologiccal points in Astrology - the Black Moon Lilith. A primal feminine archetype that holds the keys to ancient knowledge, the Black Moon Lilith represents an aspect of the goddess that has been silenced and surpressed for years.
The astrological house in which Black Moon Lilith sits in your chart represents a source of great untapped power and potential and this knowledge can help you uncover your deepest shadows but also illuminate the area of life where you can experience the biggest transformation.
Black Moon Lilith is the cornerstone of Raquel's astrology work and one of her greatest contributions to the astrological community at large. She has spent many years researching and tracking the potency, strength, and transformational energy of this archetype not only in her lunar and solar astrological cycles, but also in those of her clients.
In this workshop, expect to take a deep dive into this powerful archetype and learn all about the different faces of the Black Moon Lilith. Raquel highlights key moments in her own journey of discovering the activation of Black Moon Lilith in her own chart and shares the significance of sign placement and life themes one may expect with this archetype.
Click below for a preview of this lecture: