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Self compassion!

Feb. 22 2025

Preparation for Mars stationing direct on February 23rd!


"Self compassion!"


Mars in Cancer going direct can bring up vulnerability and encourages you to focus on cultivating self-compassion and kindness towards yourself.

Mars in Cancer can bring vulnerable aspects of your relationships into focus, where you may feel people or energies intriuding on your field, asking you to be a little more secluded, taking time to nurture yourself and spent time and energy, on you, just for you.

Spend the day doing something that brings you comfort and joy, like taking a bath, reading, or spending time in nature.


-The Oracle.



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Set emotional goals!

Feb. 21 2025

Preparation for Mars stationing direct on February 23rd!


"Set emotional goals!"


Mars in Cancer going direct can bring momentum to your emotional goals and projects particularly related to your home and space, your relationships and family.

Write down your intentions for the coming weeks focusing on goals related to your home, your family, or self-care. Make one simple goal for each that you could put into action tomorrow.

Break down larger goals like “clear up my house which feels messy and gross” into smaller, actionable steps like “vaccum the kitchen” to avoid feeling overwhelmed.


-The Oracle.



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Set emotional boundaries!

Feb. 20 2025

Preparation for Mars stationing direct on February 23rd!


"Set emotional boundaries!"


Mars in Cancer can make your emotions feel more intense. Setting boundaries is a key to you maintaining balance throughout your week and staying focused on your true purpose.

Identify situations or relationships where you need to establish clearer boundaries.

Practice saying "no" when necessary and prioritize your emotional well-being over pleasing others or giving in to others power games. Trust in your authentic feminine sovereignity and set those boundaries!


-The Oracle.



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Reconnect with your family!

Feb. 19 2025

Preparation for Mars stationing direct on February 23rd!


"Reconnect with your family!"


Mars in Cancer shines the focus on family and emotional connections. Look for ways you can strengthen these bonds before Mars stations direct.

Reach out to family members or loved ones sometime this week. Have a meaningful conversation or spend quality time together.

If there are unresolved family issues, consider addressing them with compassion and patience. Be the connection across all times and spaces for your family!


-The Oracle.



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Nurture your body!

Feb. 18 2025

Preparation for Mars stationing direct on February 23rd!


"Nurture Your Body!"


Mars in Cancer emphasizes nourishment and self-care. Prepare your body for the shift in energy on February 23rd by focusing on your health. Look at your routines of diet and exercise and sleep around your home. Eat nourishing, home-cooked meals. Stay hydrated and make sure you get lots of rest. Bring gentle exercises like yoga or stretching to release tension into your daily routines. Get to sleep on time every night. Don’t stay up late answering messages or chasing social media posts. Find silence, stillness and spaciousness at the end of your day.


-The Oracle.



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Declutter your space!

Feb. 17, 2025

Preparation for Mars stationing direct on February 23rd!


"Declutter Your Space!"


Mars in Cancer emphasizes your home and your personal space. Finding the areas of your home and possessions that spark joy and honoring that and equally clearing clutter in spaces where you have not honored energies present by clearing clutter can leave you feeling more emotionally balanced and in harmony with the Mars energies. 

Discard or donate those items that no longer spark joy for you.

Pay special attention to those areas that spark strong emotions like family photos, books or sentimental objects.


-The Oracle.



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Focus on Your Emotional Patterns!

Feb. 16, 2025

Preparation for Mars stationing direct on February 23rd!


"A deep time to reflect on your emotional patterns!"


When Mars goes direct in Cancer it brings big shifts in energy so this is a week of action and awareness around your emotions, your home and family, and your self-care.

!Take time today to reflect on your emotional patterns especially in relationships and family dynamics.

Journal about any areas you feel stuck or insecure especially with unresolved emotional issues of confllicts.


-The Oracle.



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Break Free From Past Karma!

Feb. 15, 2025

Full Moon influences continue into the Moon in Libra


"Break free from past karma!"


As the Full Moon in Leo influences continue now with the Moon in Libra crossing the South Node and Super Galactic Center look to freeing yourself from emotional boundaries, past life influences and karmic patterns by letting go of relationships or situations that are no longer serving your emotional growth. Keep a journal of the relationships you feel are no longer supporting you, bring them to awareness during your day and note down the synchronicities or guidance you receive and act on them!


-The Oracle.



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You Are Being Guided!

Feb. 13, 2025

Full Moon in Leo influences continue


“You are being guided!" 


For the next few days as you fill yourself with the energies of the Full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus take the time to explore self-expression, liberation, and growth in areas of your life that you may not have used. If you haven’t played a musical instrument or painted or been taking pauses in your work, use this energy to break free from limitations to embrace your authenticity, try something new, and step into your power. Continue staying open to the unexpected, and trust that the universe is guiding you toward your highest potential.

-The Oracle.



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Break Free From Limitation

Feb. 12, 2025

Full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus


“Break free from limitations!" 


The Full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus is a time to radiate your authentic presence, to fully express yourself and liberate, to grow no matter what is happening around you.


Use this energy of the Uranus square to the Sun. and Moon to break free from limitations, embrace your authenticity, and step into your power. Stay open to the unexpected, and trust that the universe is guiding you toward your highest potential.

The T-square of Uranus in Taurus bringing disruption and upset to help you re-align to your true purpose, means if you are not in alignment, this full moon is going to shake you to the core!

Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius which adds electrical fire power to the Sun in Aquarius with its care for the greater good of your community opposing the Full Moon in Leo being what you need to bring forth creatively to align your true purpose with what your larger commununity and society at large expects from you. 

So keep your eyes peeled, use that intuitive periphery x-ray vision to be aware of timelines and possibilities coming to you from odd and unexpected angles.

Stay centered in your heart and regulate your nervous system with lots of pauses and breath awareness to stay in the flow of your everyday existence and expect the unexpected! Be true to your soverign, authentic self and be radical enough to break free of your limitations.


It is time to act!

-The Oracle.



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Expect the Unexpected!

Feb. 11, 2025

Leading up to Full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus


“Expect the Unexpected" 


With Uranus in Taurus squaring the Full Moon, sudden changes are likely. Stay flexible and open to new possibilities, even if they disrupt your plans.


There are sudden awakenings and revelations that are happening right now so be open and stay tuned to the messages between the lines, the hidden codes in what you say and do.!


-The Oracle.



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Karmic Deadline!

Feb. 10, 2025

Mars retrograde trine Saturn in Pisces


“Karmic deadline!" 


Mars retrograde trine Saturn in Pisces creates strong events around karmic responsibilities. It asks you to look at your lessons. Where you have taken responsibility and where you haven’t. And then to look at what is next. This is a karmic deadline! Take notice!


-The Oracle.



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Big Changes Ahead!

Feb. 9, 2025

Mercury conjunct the Sun in Aquarius


“Big changes ahead!" 


Mercury conjuncts the Sun in Aquarius and brings a new beginning with lots of twists and turns and a feeling of not knowing what to expect. 


There are truly big changes ahead!


With Mercury conjunct the Sun in Aquarius, we are moving into innovative ideas, radical thought structures and paradigms.


Think big, stay optimistic, and pursue your new ideas and passions with confidence.


-The Oracle.



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Advancement & productivity!

Feb. 8, 2025

Jupiter trine Mercury and Sun 


“Good energy for advancement and productivity" 


Jupiter trine Mercury and Sun brings advancement and productivity in new ideas, communication skills, and abundance. It enhances your ability to express your new ideas to others, connect with others on these new projects, and achieve your goals..


-The Oracle.



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Release and Transform!

Feb. 7, 2025

Mars retrograde at 18° Cancer square Chiron 


“A profound opportunity for release and transformation" 


As Mars squares Chiron, the wounded healer, this retrograde brings to the surface patterns and vulnerabilities carried across lifetimes, offering a profound opportunity for release and transformation.


The emphasis is on honoring your boundaries, communicating with harmony and peace, and confronting emotional wounds with courage.


-The Oracle.



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Stay True to your Boundaries!

Feb. 5, 2025

Mars retrograde at 18° Cancer 


“Stay true to your boundaries and heal deep wounds" 


Mars Retrograde in Cancer invites a period of deep reflection and healing, particularly around boundaries, emotional security, and lifelong wounds.


-The Oracle.



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Jupiter brings resolution!

Feb. 5, 2025

Jupiter direct at 11° Gemini 


Are you ready to wrap things up, and move forward into resolution?" 


A powerful momentum is rapidly building this week in your Gemini house.


Jupiter, is known for its association with authority, justice, religious systems, laws, global legislations and the established government.


Paperwork contracts and documents come to light as many partnerships reach important conclusions and decisive resolutions. 


Perhaps you've been waiting for important news to come through, or for a decisive contract to come to a resolution. This may be your cue that things are finally ready to speed up. 


This week, many things start to pick up as a noticeable shift in energies arrive, accelerating the course of many paths around the world.


Where are you ready to wrap things up and move forward into resolution?

-The Oracle.


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The New Dawn of Venus!

Feb. 4, 2025
Venus enters 0° Aries 


Venus opens a channel for the very first song of a new dawn to come in.” 


For some, this may come in the form of a dream, in the form of an idea, in the form of perhaps even a vague distant sensation of what the future holds. 


For others, it may be more of a palpable knowing, maybe a nudge to begin something new, just like we are beginning our joint blog. 


It might just be your cue to listen and to venture into something new. 


It might be the very, very first dawn of a new thought, a new idea, an emotion, or the pull towards a brand-new beginning. ​


Don't dismiss it as 'one more idea', but tune into this fresh new scent as an early message from spring, and of a new beginning that is ready to dawn from you.   

-The Oracle.


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"I have watched numerous astrologers, and most state the same thing. Raquel Spring is the only astrologer that makes my light bulbs, bells, and whistles go off, spiking my curiosity for more. I always feel more knowledgable after watching every video. What an amazing gift."

- Tiffiney P.

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